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Blackstone Valley Visitor Center  175 Main Street  Pawtucket, Rhode Island 02860 USA   Tel: 1-800-454-2882

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Blackstone Valley Tourism Council, Inc.
Board of Directors Meeting
May 27, 2011

Tourism Council Conference Room
175 Main Street
Pawtucket, RI

1. Roll Call

David Balfour, Chair
Barry Mechanic, Vice Chair
Jacqueline Boudreau, Treasurer
Sue Tessier MacKenzie, Secretary
Louis Yip, Member
Keith Fayan, Member
Carl Freedman, Member
Debra Fournier, Member

Moe Rondeau, Member
Judy Fischbach, Member
John Lefrancois, Member
Robert Conway, Member
Anthony Capuano, Member
Mark Brodeur, Member
Paul Eno, Member
Helen Moroney, Member
Ted Garille, Member
John Gregory, Member
Richard Murphy, Member
Dave Richards, Member

Also Attending:
Robert Billington, President
Natalie Carter, Director of Operations

2. The meeting was called to order at 12:00 pm with a quorum present.

3. Minutes

On a MOTION by Carl Freedman, seconded by Sue Tessier MacKenzie, the Minutes of the March 25, 2011 meeting were approved as presented

4. Treasurer’s Report

Jacqueline Boudreau, Treasurer dispensed with the Financial Reports dated May/23/2011.
Boudreau felt the organization was moving along doing ok.

On a MOTION by Carl Freedman and seconded by Keith Fayan the Financial Reports were approved as presented.

Jacqueline Boudreau presented the BVTC Fiscal Year 2011/2012 Budget for approval. She indicated that the Budget was realistic. Natalie Carter answered several questions regarding the budget.

On a MOTION by Carl Freedman and seconded by Sue Tessier Mackenzie the BVTC Budget for Fiscal 2011/2012 was approved as presented.

5. President’s Report, Old Business, New Business

Robert Billington updated the Board on the following projects and programs:

  1. The Rhode Island Cherry Blossom Festival

  2. The Blackstone Valley Bike Stripe

  3. The William Wheat Chocolate Factory

  4. Blackstone Valley Leisurely Bike Tours

  5. Tour Rhode Island, There’s No Place Like Home

  6. The Annual Dinner slated for September 22nd

  7. The Blackstone Valley Explorer

6. Adjournment

On a MOTION by Sue Tessier Mackenzie seconded by Carl Freedman, the meeting Adjourned at 12:58.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert D. Billington, Ed. D.

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