Council Business

Board of Director Minutes

Blackstone Valley Tourism Council, Inc. Board of Directors Meeting
November 21, 2008 @ Blackstone Valley Tourism Headquarters

1. Roll Call


David Balfour, Chair
Maurice Rondeau, Member
Dave Richards, Member
Len Clingham, Member
Ted Garille, Member
Richard Murphy, Member
Louis Yip, Member


Jackie Boudreau, Treasurer
Louise Boulanger, Vice Chair
Robert Conway, Member
Anthony Capuano, Member
Najwa Murphy, Member
Mark Brodeur, Member
Sue T-MacKenzie, Member
Paul Eno, Member
John Lefrancois, Member
Helen Fairbrother Moroney, Member


Robert Billington, President
Natalie Carter, Director of Operations

2. The meeting was called to order at 12:15 pm with a quorum present.

3. Minutes
The minutes of the July 17, 2008 meeting were approved as presented.

4. Treasurer’s Report
The Chairman noted that Ms. Boudreau, the Treasurer, was in Boston and therefore not able to attend the meeting.
On a MOTION by Mr. Clingham and a Second by Mr. Richards the Income Statement and Balance Sheet for the Blackstone Valley Tourism Council dated 11/20/08 was approved as presented.
Mr. Garille asked if a third column could be added to the Treasurer’s Report to show the variances. Ms. Carter stated that she would speak to the Bookkeeper to make the necessary changes for future reports.

5. President’s Report and Old Business
Mr. Billington updated the Board on the following:

a. The Fall train excursion to Putnam Connecticut and the Polar Express.
He said both were profitable, however he would review and compare expenses and revenue on the Fall train excursion for 2009. Mr. Garille noted his family had a great time on the Polar Express and suggested it to others.
Mr. Billington noted that the wheel chair lift, used for the train and purchased by the Levy Foundation, worked very well. He added that BVTC might be able to be rent the lift to other groups seeking that type of train access.

b. Bank RI Line of Credit
Mr. Billington asked the Board to consider a Bank RI Line of Credit that was offered to the Tourism Council. On a MOTION by Mr. Clingham and seconded by Mr. Murphy, the Board voted to consider the offer. Mr. Richards suggested that we prepare “Line of Credit” applications from several banks prior for the Board’s consideration. Mr. Rondeau asked if the Small Business Administration was contacted for a Line of Credit.

After several motions, reconsiderations and questions such as interest rates and if there be a cost if the “Line of Credit” isn’t used, the Board agreed to pass a Resolution in support of applying for the “Line of Credit” offer from Bank Rhode Island with the proviso that the full application with details be presented at the January meeting for the Board’s full review. A full vote on the Line of Credit would be taken at that meeting to determine if it was still needed by the Tourism Council. Ms. Carter noted that it would help with Cash Flow during the winter of 2009.

6. New Business
There was no new business to present and the formal business meeting was adjourned for a special presentation at 12:52 pm.
Mr. Francois Bedard of the Center for Excellence in Destinations of Montreal spoke on the Center’s work and noted that there is an excellent possibility that the Blackstone Valley Tourism Council might be the first agency in the United States to participate in their program.

7. Adjournment
There being no further business before the board, the board formerly adjourned at 1:10 pm with a MOTION by Mr. Garille and seconded by Mr. Rondeau.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert D. Billington

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Blackstone Valley Tourism Council
175 Main Street 
Pawtucket, Rhode Island 02860 USA  
Tel: 401-724-2200