
About the Council

Our Story & Mission

Building a stronger Blackstone Valley for visitors and residents

Our Mission | The Keys to Our Success | Why Sustainable Tourism | Organization
Partnerships | How Did It Begin? | Programs, Activities & Initiatives | Awards & Recognition  Looking Forward

Since its creation in 1985, the Blackstone Valley Tourism Council has been a leader in transforming Rhode Island’s Blackstone Valley into a tourist destination -- a strong, vibrant region for visitors and residents alike. Working in conjunction with local communities, state and federal governments, and like-minded nonprofits and businesses, the Council has not only increased the number of visitors and enhanced their visitor experience, but strengthened the region’s economy, created a stronger, cleaner environment, and improved the quality of life for Blackstone Valley residents.

The key to the Council’s success has been quality planning, collaboration, and the use of sustainable tourism principles that encourage responsible destination development aimed at enhancing the environment, culture, aesthetics, heritage, and well-being without compromising the Blackstone Valley for future generations. With no mountains or ocean beaches, the Council built on many of the assets existing in the region prior to the Council’s creation: a rich, cultural heritage and historic legacy, ethnic diversity, the Blackstone River, parks and recreational facilities, and existing attractions such as the Pawsox, Lincoln Park (now Twin River), Slater Mill, and a number of other historical attractions.

Another major key is the Council’s mission to improve the quality of life for residents, believing that healthy, vibrant and unique communities become stronger visitor destinations. Proud, happy residents, after all, are more likely to encourage people to visit their home towns.

Our Mission

The Council’s mission is to create positive change with regard to community values by developing and promoting coordinated, responsible and sustainable tourism in Rhode Island’s Blackstone Valley communities. It is unique among Rhode Island’s regional tourism councils in its use of sustainable tourism principles to improve quality of life, preserve the region’s history, build a stronger, cleaner environment, and celebrate our cultural heritage – all of which contributed to making the region a destination for visitors and home for residents.

The Council’s mission can be summed up as improving:

  • Quality of life
  • Historical preservation
  • Environmental justice and conservation
  • Cultural appreciation and interpretation

These overarching missions are met through direct approaches including:

  • Social justice & voice
  • Youth, adult & elder education
  • Urban planning & design
  • Community development
  • Disaster resiliency
  • Event & festival programming
  • Support of local entrepreneurs
  • The arts & creative development
  • Promotional support

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The Keys to Our Success

The keys to our success can be summed up as follows:

  • Understanding that tourism is key to building a stronger economy and improving the lives and opportunities for residents as well as visitors
  • Building on the region's history, culture, and existing strength
  • Building a healthier environment and adhering to sustainable environmental principles
  • Partnerships and collaboration between business, local, state and federal government, the tourism and nonprofit sector
  • An emphasis on creating and operating attractions as well as promoting them


Why Sustainable Tourism?

Sustainable development demands that we improve our lifestyle and the quality of a region while preserving and building on the region’s environment and natural resources, culture and heritage, health and safety needs, and other positive components. To be sustainable, a community must strive to: avoid decreasing bio diversity, avoid consuming resources faster than they are renewed, recycle and reuse virtually all materials, and rely primarily on resources of its own region.

Sustainable planning principles are playing a much more important role in all tourism planning and policy development, local to global. A growing number of communities, nations, regions and planning agencies are recognizing that sustainable tourism management of the natural and physical environment, more than ever before, must coexist with economic, sociocultural, and health and safety objectives of localities and nations.

The Tourism Council believes that the use of sustainable tourism principles has played an important role in building a stronger region for residents and visitors by improving upon environmental quality, cultural appreciation and interpretation, historical preservation, and overall quality of life. Through its Blackstone River and environmental cleanup efforts and education programs, the Council has become one of the most stalwart environmental educators and patrons of the region.

Through its tourism development practices, the Council has become an award winning international leader in the use of sustainable tourism principles for local regional and international destination management organizations. It is now part of the United Nations’ Global Sustainable Tourism Alliance. Through its Sustainable Tourism Lab, the Council has become a leader in educating the global community about sustainable tourism, and the need and ability to build a strong tourism industry while respecting the local culture and environment.

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The Blackstone Valley Tourism Council is one of seven regional tourism agencies created by state law in 1985. Its designated coverage is the Northern Rhode Island Tourism District comprised of: Pawtucket, Central Falls, and Woonsocket, and the towns of Cumberland, Lincoln, North Smithfield, Smithfield, Glocester, and Burrillville.

The Council is a 501(c)(3) educational, tax exempt organization, supported in part by regional hotel room tax revenues via state law. Its Board of Directors representing tourism development interests throughout the region. Additional financial support comes from the public and private sector, charitable organizations, grants, and its own revenue producing activities.

Since its inception, the Council has been headed by its founder, Robert Billington, who has been appointed by the Board with the titles of President and Executive Director of the agency.

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The transformation of the Blackstone Valley into a significant tourism destination has been the result of many agencies, businesses, and community groups working together towards a common goal. The Council has worked and partnered with local communities, planning and development groups, foundations, environmental and river cleanup groups, nonprofits, state, local and federal governments, and businesses to carry out its mission.

It has worked closely with the Statewide Tourism Division and the federal John H. Chafee Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor, in addition to international communities and entities in the United Kingdom, Brazil, Colombia, Canada and Taiwan. (there are more)

The broad partnerships, in conjunction with the Council’s two decades of experience, has meant there is an unparalleled capacity for regional sustainable development. Besides continuous action and community support services, the Council’s Sustainable Tourism Lab connects the foremost thinkers, writers, planners, and developers of sustainable development concepts. State-of-the-art conferences and consulting applications allow not only for discussion, but also of physical application in communities around the world.

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How did it begin?

As you might expect, trying to turn a region where many weren’t happy about living into a tourism designation was not easy. Sure it was at the heart of the Industrial Revolution but in the mid 80s, when it came to booming economics, it was on the outside looking in. Billington got the idea when a Factory Outlet Association he created in 1984 attracted shoppers to the region who, he thought, might also be interested in local restaurants and attractions. The Rhode Island Division of Tourism offered a matching grant to begin the effort, stipulating that local communities contribute the same amount.

Setting out to convince local government and civic groups, the only question was whether he would be met with a snicker, guffaw, or the all too occasional belly laugh. He persevered and each community eventually met the matching grant, with many more groups and individuals coming over to his side during the next few years.

In 1985, the Tourism Council was born with Billington elected President. Rallying support in the early years among local and statewide agencies and tourism directors was difficult. But with the help of several corporations and businesses that recognized the real value of tourism to the region’s residents, and the National Guard and Heritage Corridor promoting environmental cleanup and other projects, he convinced many supporters to come aboard.

With the purchase of the 49 passenger Blackstone Explorer Riverboat and public river tours came the dawn of the Blackstone River being the centerpiece of efforts to attract visitors to the region and build up the pride and spirit of those living and working here. Read the full story here.

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Council Programs, Activities and Initiatives

In addition to managing the day-to-day activities of the Council office, the Council manages the two visitor centers in the Valley, providing information resources, brochures and destination routing for travelers and visitors on events, attractions, interests, activities and respond to telephone and mail inquiries. Information distribution services are also provided to the region's visitor centers and destinations.

In addition, it carries out intergovernmental and public relations programs, working with local and regional media outlets to promote and publicize regional events and work with federal state, local and private sector officials on matters relating to tourism development in the region.

Finally, the Council develops and manages a number of projects and initiatives including:

  • Annual or ongoing events: including public River tours on the Explorer, bicycle tours, the annual Rhode Island Dragonboat Races and Taiwan Day Festival, weekly restaurant tours, theme related “backyard” and “no place like home” tours, the annual Cherry Tree Festival, annual golf tournament, paddling tours, Polar Express and other train tours, River and environmental cleanup events.

  • Planning and development projects: including various waterfront development projects, Broad Street Regeneration Initiative, Blackstone Valley Bikeway and connection to other state bike paths, the Rhode Island Music Hall of Fame, Keep Blackstone Valley Beautiful environmental cleanup programs, the Amber Valley International Compact, the development and promotion of paddling routes on the Blackstone River, and the soon to be developed Chocolate Overlook Park, commemorating chocolate manufacturing in the Valley.

  • Educational, information and promotion projects: including Riverclassroom (river education for students aboard the Explorer), resource directories for artists, restaurants, Valley attractions,  events and others, a Sustainable Tourism Lab to educate the world about sustainable tourism, and education programs for students to learn about tourism. View Current Projects

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Awards & Recognition

Bob Billington and the Council have won a number of awards and recognition for their efforts to build up the Blackstone Valley and promote sustainable tourism. These include:

  • Tourism for Tomorrow Destination Award from the World Travel & Tourism Council
  • North American Travel Personality of the Year from the World Travel Awards
  • SBEST Certification of Excellence from the United nations World Tourism Organization
  • Heritage Award from the Pawtucket Foundation
  • Tom Roberts Prize for Creative Achievement from the Rhode Island Council for the Humanities
  • Mary Brennan Tourism Award at the “Stars of the Industry” annual meeting and awards ceremony
  • Ulysses Award from the United Nations World Tourism Organization for destination management
  • National Park Foundation Environmental Conservation Award 2000
  • Rhode Island Coastal Cleanup Institutional Award 1999
  • Blackstone Valley Explorer is Yankee Magazine Editor's Pick 1999
  • Audubon Society of Rhode Island Organization of the Year 1998
  • Save the Bay Environmental Achievement Award 1997
  • American Society of Landscape Architects Honor Award 1997
  • Awarded grant by National Trust for Historic Preservation 1996
  • New England Foundation for the Arts Cultural Programs Honor 1996
  • Society of American Travel Writers Phoenix Award 1995

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Looking Forward

The Blackstone Valley Tourism Council looks forward to continuing its efforts to build a stronger, more vibrant Blackstone Valley, and strengthen the strong tourism industry that exists today. It will continue building on its past accomplishments while initiating new projects and programs to enhance the experience and opportunities for visitors and residents. It will continue ensuring that the region is a part of any positive economic changes enjoyed by the rest of the state. Some of the things to look forward to in the coming years.

  • Completion of the Blackstone Valley Bikeway by 2018 and increased usage of the Bikeway via general cycling and special events
  • Continuation of our annual events
  • Relaunch of the Samuel Slater Canal Boat
  • Official opening of the Rhode Island Music Hall of Fame Museum in Hope Artiste Village.
  • Completion of the Blackstone River Cleanup by 2015, allowing at least limited fishing
  • Designation of the Blackstone Valley as a national park


Our Mission | The Keys to Our Success | Why Sustainable Tourism | Organization Partnerships | How Did It Begin?  Programs, Activities & Initiatives | Awards & Recognition | Looking Forward

Current Projects | Timeline

Intro | Our Story & Mission | History | What We Do | Principles & Policies | Capabilities | Bylaws | Enabling Legislation | Original Strategic Plan

About the Council

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Annual Dinner


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About the Valley

Blackstone Valley Tourism Council
175 Main Street 
Pawtucket, Rhode Island 02860 USA  
Tel: 401-724-2200