Council Business

Board of Director Minutes

Blackstone Valley Tourism Council, Inc. Board of Directors Meeting
January 30, 2009 @ Blackstone Valley Tourism Headquarters

1. Roll Call


David Balfour, Chair
Jackie Boudreau, Treasurer
Louise Boulanger, Vice Chair
Maurice Rondeau, Member
Paul Eno, Member
Len Clingham, Member
Ted Garille, Member
Richard Murphy, Member
Louis Yip, Member
Najwa Murphy, Member


Robert Conway, Member
Anthony Capuano, Member
Mark Brodeur, Member
Sue T-MacKenzie, Member
John Lefrancois, Member
Helen Fairbrother Moroney, Member

Also in Attendance:

Robert Billington, President
Natalie Carter, Director of Operations

The meeting was called to order at 12:00 pm with a quorum present.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the November 21, 2008 meeting were distributed to the members. On a MOTION by Mr. Rondeau and a Second by Mr. Clingham the Minutes of the November 21, 2008 meeting were approved Unanimously.

4. Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Boudreau reviewed the Draft Compilation Report for the years ending June 30, 2008 and 2007 dated January 28, 2009.

Ms. Boudreau noted a $12,000 decrease in assets. The overall report was in line with last year. The Liabilities have gone down and that was a positive sign.

Ms. Boudreau then reviewed the Profit and Loss statements for the Council dated January 26, 2009.

The Board asked about the APR on the Credit Cards and asked questions about how they were being paid and their credit amounts. They suggested speaking with other Credit Card Companies in an effort to lower the APR.

Mr. Billington requested all Board members review the financial statements in depth and call with any questions or concerns.

Ms. Boudreau asked to meet with the Council’s new accountants and Natalie Carter will set up the meeting.

On a MOTION by Mr. Rondeau and a Second by Mr. Eno the reports submitted and explained by Ms. Boudreau were accepted as presented.

5. President’s Report and Old Business

Mr. Billington updated the Board with financial information on the following projects:

The Fall train excursion to Putnam Connecticut and the Polar Express.
The Annual Dinner and Auction
The Inaugural trip to Washington
Funds raised to date for the Explorer scholarship funds
2009 Trends in Travel Investment report from Hudson Crossing LLC
Rhode Island 2007 Satellite Account Report by Global Insight
Lt. Governor’s Buy RI campaign program
Blackstone Valley Buy Local campaign
Blackstone Valley Tourism Council Annual Work Plan for 2009
Tour Rhode Island, There’s No Place Like Home Project
The Operations of the Explorer and the Samuel Slater. Mr. Billington advised the Board that Boat operations lost about $40,000 last year and felt that if $50,000 were not secure, the boats may be in jeopardy of being on the Blackstone River this year. The Board suggested that possibly naming rights for the Explorer could be secured. They suggested a host or corporations that might be contacted for help. Ms. Boudreau suggested that possibly a person of wealth might be found and a reception held in his honor.
Mr. Billington asked that the Board become more active in securing solutions that might keep the boats floating on the Blackstone River this year.

6. New Business

Chairman Balfour asked the Board to consider the name of Barry Mechanic, Publisher of The Call and The Times newspapers as a new Board member for the Tourism Council. Mr. Balfour has asked that his name be considered at the March 2009 meeting

7. Old Business

Bank RI Line of Credit – Item held for next meeting

8. Adjournment

There being no further business before the board, the board formerly adjourned at
1:10 pm with a MOTION by Mr. Garille and seconded by Mr. Rondeau.
Respectfully submitted,

Robert D. Billington

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Blackstone Valley Tourism Council
175 Main Street 
Pawtucket, Rhode Island 02860 USA  
Tel: 401-724-2200